British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that took place between 8 – 17 March 2024. This year, the theme was ‘TIME‘.
All year groups took part in daily science missions inked to one of the five different methods of scientific enquiry.
- Research using secondary sources.
- Comparative and fair testing.
- Observing over time.
- Pattern seeking.
- Identifying, classifying and grouping.
The children joined a daily virtual celebration at the end of the day to see what other schools involved had been up to and to celebrate their achievements of the day. What a great week we all had!
British Science Week Activities
The nursery children had a lovely week planting beans & cress and observing them growing daily. They practised star jumps (a skill) and compared their progress over time.
Y4/5B- Hula Hooping skill
Y6T- Skipping skill
Even the teachers had fun!
Year 3D
Y5H- star jumps
Y3D- animal classification
Y5H- biscuit dunking