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Thank you to all who donated to the various charities we have supported this year. We have raised £572 for the following charities:
Young Minds – Mental Health for children
Show Racism The Red Card
Children In Need
Comic Relief

Saturday 21st December 2024 – Friday 3rd January 2025
We are working with South Tyneside Council to deliver the Winter Holiday, Activities and Food Programme! There will be free activities and nutritious meals for children and young people aged 5-16 years who are eligible for benefit related free school meals (FSM), as well as eligible FSM young people up to the age of 18 with SEND.
All events are subject to availability. HAF has a new booking system which will go live 4pm Monday 2 nd December via Plinth.
Activities and food are funded by the Department for Education.
For more information:

For those of you that have not heard of us, the community bus travels to 6 different locations each week for 1.5 hours at each stop. The bus offers the following and is available for ANYONE to use:
Low cost food and household items including fresh fruit and veg, bread, sanitary products, nappies and essentials, the list is endless.
Advice, support and signposting in our upper community space.
Free school uniform requests
Free winter coats on board
Free sure start vitamins for children 5yrs and under
This service is a great for anyone struggling with the cost of living and we support a variety of young people, families and the elderly.