Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are using an online learning journal to record what the children do during a regular school day. The ‘Tapestry Mobile’ allows staff to send you copies of the observations we take of your child and you will be able to ‘like’ them and comment on them similar to Facebook and other social media. As part of safeguarding you will only be given access to your child’s learning and only permitted to ‘like’ or comment on your child’s photographs.
In turn you will be able to upload photographs or videos of achievements at home or experiences you have such as visiting a museum or going to the park. We will be able to include this as part of your children’s learning journal.
Through this lockdown we are going to be using Tapestry as a home learning tool. We have created a profile to record your child’s learning in and you will need to download the Tapestry mobile app on your smartphone or a tablet/iPad in order to access it. You can create a password through the email link we have sent you.
If you have not sent your email address to your child’s teacher, they will be in touch with you for this and can help support you set up the account.
Kind regards,
Mrs A Golightly
How to use Tapestry
Accessing Activities